Volunteer Opportunities

Join our dedicated team of volunteers and contribute your skills, time, and passion to support our initiatives. Whether you have expertise in mentoring, event planning, content creation, or project management, your involvement can help us drive positive change.
Explore our current volunteer opportunities here.

Donate and Support

Your financial contributions play a crucial role in funding our programs. Your support enables us to provide resources, educational materials, and opportunities to youth across Kenya. To make a donation or learn more about how your contributions make a difference, visit our donation page.

Partner with KYAF

Are you an organization, government agency, or business that shares our mission?
Collaborate with us to maximize our impact. Partnering with KYAF allows you to leverage our expertise and network to create positive change together. Learn more about partnership opportunities here.

Spread the Word

Help us raise awareness about the critical issues we address. Follow us on social media, share our content, and participate in our campaigns. Your engagement amplifies our message and encourages others to join our cause. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Attend our Events

Stay informed about our upcoming events, workshops, and conferences. These gatherings provide opportunities for you to connect with passionate individuals, gain knowledge, and contribute to our shared goals. Check our events calendar for details.

Join our Youth Assembly

Join our dedicated team of volunteers and contribute your skills, time, and passion to support our initiatives. Whether you have expertise in mentoring, event planning, content creation, or project management, your involvement can help us drive positive change. Explore our current volunteer opportunities here.

Advocate for Change

Become an advocate for economic inclusivity and social justice. Engage with policymakers, community leaders, and influencers to raise awareness about the issues we address. Your advocacy can drive policy changes that benefit marginalized communities. Stay updated on our advocacy efforts.

Share Your Ideas

Innovation and fresh perspectives are at the heart of our mission. If you have ideas,projects, or initiatives that align with our goals, we're eager to hear from you. Reach out to us with your proposals or explore partnership opportunities for collaboration. Your involvement matters.